The Responsible rule of Media and Media Literacy in Strengthening Communal Harmony between Buddhists and Muslims in Thai Society

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Mokesh Barua


Media as a potent tool and play an outstanding role to promote social, religious and communal harmony for the
betterment of the society, the nation as well as the all humanity. Beside the communal disharmony and conflict are
fueled by the fear, suspicion and hatred which frequently spread by transmission of different channels. Therefore,
it is important to be aware of the media environment and to gain media literacy how the mass media operate and
how they affect peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance in the society. Thailand is the religious diverse
country of southeast Asia. Buddhism is the majority of Thailand yet other major world religion like Hinduism,
Islam and Christianity are active and generally they can all be found living together in peace and harmony.
Media plays a vital role to strengthening communal harmony between Buddhist and Muslim in Thai society. But
frequently mass of media transmission conflicting news specially, southern part of Thailand where the relation
between Buddhist and Muslim coming under going pressure. This paper will study the positive and negative
impact of media on communal harmony between Buddhist and Muslim in Thai society. Moreover, it will study the
importance of Media literacy to promoting peaceful coexistence in Thai society as well as Modern society.


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How to Cite
Barua, M. (2022). The Responsible rule of Media and Media Literacy in Strengthening Communal Harmony between Buddhists and Muslims in Thai Society. Jurnal Nyanadassana: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial Dan Keagamaan, 1(2), 120–130.


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